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Inland Wetlands Commission
Regular Meeting of March 10, 2010 at 7:30 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present: Peters, Salling, Kotch, Pieragostini, Curran, Bryan and Hammer
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use,
Ann Astarita, Wetlands Enforcement and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:35 pm. and welcomed the new commissioner, Kristen Hammar.

Pending Applications

IW #09-36       8 Pecks Lane, Talon Ridge Builders (Charles Spath, Sr.). Application to construct an approximate 5,000 sq ft building, additional parking and septic system in a regulated area.

Michael Buturla, P.E., L.S., from The Huntington Company in Fairfield, CT, and William Kenny, Soil Scientist, were present and summarized the application.  A memo from the Conservation Commission noting their approval of the easement was submitted by Mr. Sibley.  After a discussion, Commissioner Curran motioned to approve the application with conditions A, B, C, D, E, F and:

  • The approved plans for the development are: “Improvement Location Survey Depicting Commercial Buildings, 8 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT, prepared for Talon Ridge Builders”, dated June 22, 2009; updated 12/11/09 and including the “Wetland Construction Plan” and “Proposed Rain Garden” and
  • Quarterly reports will be submitted on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or in the Land Use office until the permitted activity is completed.  The completed plan will be approved by the Land Use Office.
Commissioner Salling asked that the wording in the memo from the Conservation Commission be added, which states “At the Conservation Commission meeting of March 9th, 2010 the Conservation Commission voted to allow access to the conservation easement for the purpose of creating wetlands mitigation.” Everyone agreed.  Then Commissioner Salling then seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Mod #03-54      72 Hanover Road, R. Mastroni Developers, LLC. Application related to the modification of an existing permit.

Alan Shepard, from Nowakowski, O'Bymachow & Kane, 415 Howe Avenue in Shelton was present along with Mr. Mastroni.  Mr. Mastroni asked that this be tabled since he was unable to do the work due to inclement weather.  The application was tabled.

Mod #06-37      42 Alpine Circle, Louis Segneri. Application related to the modification of an existing permit application.

Alan Shepard was present along with Mr. Segneri to discuss the application.  He submitted a letter from Joseph Marchetti dated March 8, 2010 regarding the difficulties in placing a bridge on the site.  Mr. Shepard explained how the box culvert would be installed and how they intend to divert the stream.  The commission asked questions and explained that they need additional information.  The commission asked for alternative plans and will review the original application.

Mod #05-19      224 South Main Street, Robert Mastroni. Application related to the modification of an existing permit application.

Alan Shepard and Mr. Mastroni were present to discuss the application.  The commission is waiting for a report from their expert, Mr. Steve Trinkaus.  The applicant agreed to install permeable pavement for the additional parking area and submitted a spec sheet.  The commissioners shared concerns over the project being so close to a watercourse.  They want to assure that the Pootatuck was protected and noted it is a Class A Trout Stream.  Commissioner Salling asked if they could submit a proposal for fewer spaces that require less cutting and that is farther away from the watercourse.  The applicant will return with more information.

Mod #05-28      27 The Old Road, Corbo, Ray.  Application for a modification to an existing permit for a single family house.

Robert Sherwood, Landscape Architect, and Mr. Corbo were present to discuss the application.  The modification includes bringing the footprint of the house forward to provide a larger back yard for future use of a deck and pool.  The applicant will stake the site.  The commission asked for a stone buffer to delineate the wetlands and it was noted that the driveway will be covered by crushed stone.  The commission will look at the original plans.

IW #10-01       Castle Meadow Rd & Maltbie Rd, Town of Newtown.  Application to replace an existing bridge with a box culvert.

Ron Bolmer, Town Engineer, was present to discuss the application.  They will use a 40” pipe to divert the water and some trees will need to be removed, but there is an old stone wall that will remain in place.  A crane from the road will be used to install the culvert.  After discussion Commissioner Pieragostini motioned to approve the application with standard conditions:  A, B, C, D, E, F and

  • The approved plans are “Town of Newtown, Castle Meadow Road Bridge, Plan & Profile” dated November 9, 2009 by Anchor Engineering Services Inc., Plans 1-3;
  • The proposed diversion plan dated February 19, 2010;  and
  • The completed plan will be approved by the Land Use Office.
Commissioner Salling seconded the motion.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Other Business

  • Acceptance of New Applications.
IW #10-02  41 Mohawk Trail, Westchester Modular Homes of Fairfield County. Application to replace existing home with a modular home.

IW #10-03  Warner Pond Dam, Old Mill Road, Town of Newtown. Application to rehabilitate an existing deficient dam as ordered by the DEP.

  • Commissioner Salling motioned to approve the minutes of February 24, 2010.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kotch.  Motion carried unanimously
Commissioner Peters said she is meeting with Lilla Dean, Chair of Planning & Zoning, to discuss a wish list of zoning changes that allows for the protection of wetlands.  She asked for the commissioners to e-mail her with suggestions or ideas.  

Commissioner Pieragostini motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Hammer.  Motion approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned.